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21 posts

Parity in the PLRA (II). The implications of the statutory changes

By Ma. del Pi­lar Abente La­haye This ar­ti­cle is a con­tin­u­a­tion of the first in the se­ries “Par­ity in the PLRA“, which ex­plained how the process to ap­prove gen­der par­ity in the party by­laws was car­ried out. In this ar­ti­cle we will dis­cuss what this ini­tia­tive co... More »

Manuel Gondra, the president who did not read Machiavelli

By Mar­cos Pérez Talia Paraguay’s po­lit­i­cal his­tory is full of pres­i­dents and lead­ers of all kinds. In­tel­lec­tu­als, charis­matic, cor­rupt, sullen, iras­ci­ble, au­thor­i­tar­ian, etc. The one who stands out is Manuel Gondra -twice pres­i­dent of the Re­pub­lic- who re­mains... More »

Bandit state(s) and fraudulent bourgeoisie(ies)

Jorge Rolón Luna * To­day’s world is ruled by crooks and thieves; more­over, traf­fick­ers, pi­rates and smug­glers are re­shap­ing it ac­cord­ing to their in­ter­ests, af­fect­ing gov­ern­ments, vi­o­lat­ing so­ci­eties and un­der­min­ing democ­ra­cies, ar­gue Olivier Bul­lough and Mois... More »