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Terere Cóm­plice is a Paraguayan re­view that fo­cuses on po­lit­i­cal analy­sis, pro­duced by re­searchers from dif­fer­ent fields and ap­proaches. The opin­ions and per­spec­tives are di­verse and are the sole re­spon­si­bil­ity of the au­thors.


Jazmín A. Duarte Sck­ell

So­ci­ol­o­gist and com­mu­ni­ca­tor, re­searcher on gen­der and con­tem­po­rary Latin Amer­i­can his­tory.

PhD in Latin Amer­i­can Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Köln (Ger­many), Mas­ter in Latin Amer­i­can Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Ox­ford (Eng­land), Diploma in So­cial and Cul­tural His­tory at the Latin Amer­i­can School of So­cial Sci­ences (FLACSO) of Paraguay, Bach­e­lor’s De­gree in So­ci­ol­ogy and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Catholic Uni­ver­sity of Asun­cion. She is cur­rently work­ing on her doc­toral the­sis on the po­lit­i­cal use of mas­culin­ity dur­ing the Stroess­ner dic­ta­tor­ship (1954-1989). Her ar­eas of in­ter­est and re­search in­clude gen­der re­la­tions, analy­sis of nar­ra­tives and sym­bolic-so­cial dis­courses and au­thor­i­tar­ian gov­ern­ments.

Mail: jd­uartes@smail.uni-koeln.de


Nel­son De­nis

Stu­dent of Eco­nom­ics and Data Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of Buenos Aires (UBA).

His ar­eas of in­ter­est in­clude eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment, in­ter­na­tional po­lit­i­cal econ­omy and his­tory of eco­nomic thought and his­tory of eco­nomic thought. She is a mem­ber of the het­ero­dox eco­nom­ics re­search group het­ero­dox eco­nom­ics re­search group “El Exce­dente“, where he makes con­tri­bu­tions and analy­ses from a clas­si­cal-Key­ne­sian per­spec­tive of prices and in­come dis­tri­b­u­tion.

Mail: nel­son.amaru.de­nis.guillen@gmail.com


Shirley Gomez Valdez

Lawyer. Pre-doc­toral re­searcher, Po­lit­i­cal and So­cial Sci­ences.

Doc­toral can­di­date in Po­lit­i­cal and So­cial Sci­ences at Pom­peu Fabra Uni­ver­sity (Barcelona, Spain). Mas­ter in Pub­lic and So­cial Poli­cies from the same uni­ver­sity. Lawyer from the Na­tional Uni­ver­sity of Asun­cion. She was a fel­low of the De­part­ment of State for the In­ter­na­tional Vis­i­tor Lead­er­ship Pro­gram (IVLP). Her ar­eas of in­ter­est and re­search are: pub­lic pol­icy, qual­ity of ed­u­ca­tion, gov­er­nance and reg­u­la­tion

Mail: shirleyk­gomez@gmail.com


José Tomás Sánchez G.

Pro­fes­sor, re­searcher and Pro­gram Di­rec­tor of the In­sti­tuto De­sar­rollo. In­ter­est in po­lit­i­cal sci­ence and Pub­lic Man­age­ment.

He is a mem­ber of the pro­fes­sional staff of In­sti­tuto De­sar­rollo. He holds a Mas­ter’s de­gree in Pub­lic Ad­min­is­tra­tion (with hon­ors) and is a PhD can­di­date in Gov­ern­ment (Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity, USA). He was Min­is­ter of Pub­lic Ad­min­is­tra­tion (2012). His in­ter­ests lie in po­lit­i­cal sci­ence, pub­lic ad­min­is­tra­tion and in­ter­na­tional pro­ject man­age­ment.

Mail: jsanchez­gomez@de­sar­rollo.edu.py


Car­los César Tra­pani

Lawyer and Pro­fes­sor of Law

Lawyer grad­u­ated from the Law School of the Na­tional Uni­ver­sity of Asun­cion (UNA). Post­grad­u­ate in Crim­i­nal Law and Mas­ter’s in Cor­rup­tion and Rule of Law from the Uni­ver­sity of Sala­manca (USAL). Can­di­date for a Mas­ter’s De­gree in Latin Amer­i­can Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­dad An­d­ina Simón Bolí­var, Ecuador (UASB). He has worked as le­gal ad­vi­sor in dif­fer­ent pub­lic in­sti­tu­tions. He has been rap­por­teur in the Con­sti­tu­tional Court of Ecuador and cur­rently teaches in the Law School of the UASB

Mail: cc­tra­pani13@gmail.com


María José Patiño Va­liente

Spe­cial­ist in mar­ket re­search in the agri-food sec­tor. Co-founder of the As­so­ci­a­tion of Women in Agri­cul­ture in Man­i­toba, Canada.

Econ­o­mist, grad­u­ated with hon­ors from the Na­tional Uni­ver­sity of Asun­cion, Paraguay. She has a Mas­ter’s de­gree in Agribusi­ness and Agri­cul­tural Eco­nom­ics from the Uni­ver­sity of Man­i­toba, Canada. She has over 10 years of ex­pe­ri­ence work­ing for gov­ern­ment in­sti­tu­tions, acad­e­mia and the pri­vate sec­tor. She is cur­rently work­ing as an In­ter­na­tional Con­sul­tant for dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies, es­pe­cially in the agri-food sec­tor.

Mail montse.fois92@gmail.com


Clau­dia Pompa Schaerer

In­ter­na­tional con­sul­tant, re­searcher and en­tre­pre­neur.

Mas­ter’s De­gree in In­ter­na­tional Re­la­tions and De­vel­op­ment with hon­ors from George­town Uni­ver­sity (United States). She holds a de­gree in La­bor Psy­chol­ogy from the Na­tional Uni­ver­sity of Asun­cion (UNA). Clau­dia spe­cial­izes in is­sues re­lated to eco­nomic growth, pri­vate sec­tor de­vel­op­ment, dig­i­tal economies, la­bor mar­kets and the fu­ture of work. She has ex­ten­sive ex­pe­ri­ence in en­tre­pre­neur­ship, in­no­va­tion, ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence, start-ups and SMEs. Founder and di­rec­tor of Con­sult­ing for Growth Group.

Mail: clau­dia.pompa@gmail.com


Fer­nando Martínez Es­co­bar

PhD in So­cial Sci­ences from the Uni­ver­sity of Buenos Aires (UBA). Teacher and re­searcher.

PhD. in So­cial Sci­ences from the Uni­ver­sity of Buenos Aires (UBA); Mas­ter in Po­lit­i­cal Ac­tion and Cit­i­zen Par­tic­i­pa­tion in Rule of Law from the Rey Juan Car­los Uni­ver­sity, the Fran­cisco de Vi­to­ria Uni­ver­sity and the Bar As­so­ci­a­tion of Madrid-Spain; Lawyer grad­u­ated from the Uni­ver­si­dad Na­cional de Asun­ción (UNA). Pro­fes­sor of Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence at the CBC UBA; and of Lead­ers and Lead­er­ships of Latin Amer­ica FSOC, UBA. He par­tic­i­pates in re­search groups CLACSO, UBA­CyT, GESP, among oth­ers. His area of re­search fo­cuses on the func­tion­ing of the party sys­tem in Paraguay be­tween 1989 and 2013, Po­lit­i­cal Par­ties, Neoin­sti­tu­tion­al­ism, and the po­lit­i­cal sys­tem in Paraguay.


Mar­cos Pérez Talia

PhD in Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence and Lawyer. Pro­fes­sor and re­searcher.

Doc­tor in Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence from the Na­tional Uni­ver­sity of Rosario, Ar­gentina. Mas­ter in Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence from the Uni­ver­sity of Sala­manca, Spain, and Mas­ter in Law, Eco­nom­ics and Pub­lic Pol­icy from the In­sti­tuto de In­ves­ti­gación Or­tega y Gas­set (schol­ar­ship holder Fun­dación Car­olina). He is a re­searcher level I of the Pronii Cona­cyt of Paraguay. His re­search in­ter­ests are po­lit­i­cal par­ties, democ­racy and elec­toral processes in Latin Amer­ica.

Mail: mp­talia@gmail.com


Pi­lar Abente La­haye

Lawyer, con­sul­tant and teacher. Spe­cial­ist in Ad­min­is­tra­tive Law and Mas­ter in Po­lit­i­cal Ac­tion, In­sti­tu­tional Strength­en­ing and Cit­i­zen Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Rule of Law.

Mas­ter in Po­lit­i­cal Ac­tion, In­sti­tu­tional Strength­en­ing and Cit­i­zen Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Rule of Law (Fran­cisco de Vi­to­ria and Rey Juan Car­los Uni­ver­si­ties), Spe­cial­ist in Ad­min­is­tra­tive Law (Uni­ver­si­dad de Bel­grano) and Spe­cial­ist in Higher Uni­ver­sity Stud­ies (UNA), Lawyer (UNA). She has taken other post­grad­u­ate courses on Ad­min­is­tra­tive Law, Pub­lic Poli­cies with a Gen­der Per­spec­tive and Wom­en’s Hu­man Rights. She is a teacher and con­sul­tant. Her ar­eas of in­ter­est and re­search in­clude po­lit­i­cal par­tic­i­pa­tion stud­ies, gen­der is­sues, wom­en’s rights and pub­lic law.”

Mail: pi­la­rabente@gmail.com


Igna­cio González Boz­zo­lasco

So­ci­ol­o­gist, re­searcher and uni­ver­sity pro­fes­sor.

Mail: igonbo@gmail.com


Guillermo Se­quera

For­mer Gen­eral Di­rec­tor of Health Sur­veil­lance. Spe­cial­ist in pre­ven­tive med­i­cine and pub­lic health.

Med­ical doc­tor grad­u­ated from UNA, spe­cial­ized in in­ter­nal med­i­cine at the Hos­pi­tal de Clíni­cas, spe­cial­ist in pre­ven­tive med­i­cine and pub­lic health at the Hos­pi­tal Clínic of the Uni­ver­sity of Barcelona, Mas­ter in Pub­lic Health and Epi­demi­ol­ogy at the Pom­peu Fabra Uni­ver­sity, Mas­ter in Re­search Method­ol­ogy in Health Sci­ences at the Au­tonomous Uni­ver­sity of Barcelona. Post­grad­u­ate Pro­fes­sor in Pub­lic Health at UNA, with ex­pe­ri­ence in in­ter­cul­tural health, and clin­i­cal, so­cial and field epi­demi­ol­ogy work in Paraguay, Ar­gentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Mozam­bique, United States and Spain. Mil­i­tant of So­cial Med­i­cine and for the Right to Health.

Mail: guille­se­quera@gmail.com


Montser­rat Fois

Po­lit­i­cal sci­en­tist, fem­i­nist re­searcher, PhD can­di­date in So­cial An­thro­pol­ogy.

PhD stu­dent in So­cial An­thro­pol­ogy (Fac­ul­tad de Filosofía y Le­tras, Uni­ver­si­dad de Buenos Aires). De­gree in Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence from the Catholic Uni­ver­sity Nues­tra Señora de la Asun­ción. Mem­ber of the Ar­gen­tine As­so­ci­a­tion for Re­search in Wom­en’s His­tory and Gen­der Stud­ies and the Work­ing Group on An­thro­pol­ogy of Tourism of the Latin Amer­i­can As­so­ci­a­tion of An­thro­pol­ogy. She is cur­rently de­vel­op­ing her doc­toral the­sis on pub­lic poli­cies aimed at women and their fam­i­lies in the frame­work of the de­vel­op­ment of tourism en­ter­prises for “em­pow­er­ment“. Her ar­eas of in­ter­est and re­search in­clude crit­i­cal stud­ies of the state and pub­lic poli­cies from a gen­der per­spec­tive and of “em­pow­er­ment“ and mi­cro­cre­dit pro­grams for de­vel­op­ment.

Mail: montse.fois92@gmail.com


Ro­drigo Ibar­rola

B.A. in Ad­min­is­tra­tion, Lawyer, Mas­ter in Fi­nance and stu­dent of eco­nom­ics. Re­searcher and colum­nist for Ter­eré Cóm­plice.

Mail: ro­drigoibar­rola@gmail.com


José Duarte Pe­nayo

Doc­tor in Phi­los­o­phy, Doc­toral School Con­cepts and Lan­guages, Uni­ver­sité Paris IV-Sor­bonne.

José Duarte Pe­nayo holds a de­gree in So­ci­ol­ogy (Uni­ver­si­dad de Buenos Aires, UBA), a de­gree in Phi­los­o­phy (Uni­ver­sité Paris IV-Sor­bonne), a mas­ter’s de­gree in Con­tem­po­rary Phi­los­o­phy (Uni­ver­sité Paris Pan­théon-Sor­bonne) and a doc­tor­ate in Phi­los­o­phy (Doc­toral School of Con­cepts and Lan­guages, Uni­ver­sité Paris IV-Sor­bonne).


Ka­tia Goros­ti­aga Gug­giari

PhD in So­cial Sci­ence Re­search with men­tion in Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence and Mas­ter in So­cial Sci­ences from Flacso – Mex­ico. Mas­ter in Hu­man Rights from Uni­ver­si­dad Car­los III de Madrid.


Ale­jan­dra Na­jen­son